Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Dead day...

It's super dead day today and I'm bored to death at work. There wasn't anything major to do...such a slow month...I hope things better pick up soon. I rather be packed with work than sit around doing nothing.

The whole work issue has put me in a sombre mood. With nothing much to do and 2 office buddies leaving the company next week doesn't help to boost up the morale in this office at all. So much negavity and yet I still need to hang on...I just want to scream out loud to the management..."SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!!"

To add salt to wound, my other* phone died on me. My 'other' phone was a clam-shell phone which was half-cracked ages ago. On Monday night, I was chatting with a friend when I suddenly dropped the phone. The whole phone went half in separate ways. I thought it could have died there and then, but to my suprise it was still working as the cable was still attached.

Being a happy owner of the other phone that could live that long, I proudly it show off to my office buddies the next day. As I was doing the demo of the nokia6260-like (by twisting the whole screen panel to face the opposite direction) with my other phone, the screen cable tore!! And there goes the night time, the sound was gone too!

So now, I officially declare that my other phone dead. Before I look for a predecessor, I think I'm gonna give it a proper burial. Afterall, it has been a good phone.

Ciao phone...!~

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